Bio Page

What do you mean, we're out of coffee?
That's a joke, right?

This is a recent photograph, November 1994.
Actually, I look a lot like this, but better

I am not a Mad Scientist!
I am a Severely Upset Scientist!

OK, one more.
July 2001.
Cincinnati, Ohio (Don't Ask)
Just don't tell my wife she's on the web!

The only thing wrong with Woody Allen's
movies is his pervasive optimism.

Historical Statistics:
Place of Birth: Columbus, Ohio, USA
Sign: Libra
Blood Type: B Negative
Height: Six Feet
Weight: One Eighty
High School: Linden McKinley
Graduated: June, 1971
College Attended: Ohio State University [71-72]
College Attended: Columbus University [72-73]
Work Break: Compuserve, Inc. [73-75]
Moved: Searcy, Arkansas [1975]
College Attended: Harding University [75-78]
Work Break: United States Army - Infantry [78-82]
Married: Leta Jo (Hall) Caplinger May 13, 1979
Moved: Hinesville, Georgia [1979]
Moved: Stuttgart, Germany [1980]
College Attended: University of Maryland [81-82]
Moved: Little Rock, Arkansas [1982]
College Attended: University of Arkansas LR [82-84]
All Majors Taken: Mechanical Engineering,
Physics, Mathematics,
Computer Science
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science
Computer Science
Real Job: Brasuell & Associates [84-90]
Licensed: Commodites Broker [86-90]
Moved: Chandler, Arizona [1989]
Real Job: ENSCO, INC.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Plant Design
Moved: Fort Smith, Arkansas [1991]
Current Employment: Burrough-Brasuell Corp.
VP, Software Design
Moved: Van Buren, Arkansas [1997]

Okay, so I'm incredibly vain! It's my only vice, except for:

Edison, the Wonderdog!

|Edison Tesla Caplinger
|Born: September 20, 1985.
|Edison, beloved companion and pet died peacefully on December 1, 1999.
|His favorite sports were squirrel chasing, tennis ball chasing, sock stealing,
|walking, gardening, and last, but not least, fetching a stick and keeping it
|away from humans.
|He faithfully performed his duties as supervisor, watchdog, and playmate.
|No terrorists ever snuck up on us or ice cream was wasted while he was on duty.
|He brought us great joy, and we shall miss him.

At any rate, this site will grow. Slowly.
Can I help it, if I have to put a wrap to a new
software package before the end of the year?
Sheesh, it can't be the admission price I'm charging you....

My favorite phrase, that I may actually have said first:

We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
Now available in a raw state! Click here!
...lots more pictures, like this shot of a typical day in 1984!
When I walked in, the people at the hotel said
Look! It's Doctor Spock from Star Wars!

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